1. At the end of a season you might go to a “sale” and if you’re lucky you will buy something that is a “bargain”.
2. At the sale you might buy a “dress” for summer, or prepare for next winter with a “scarf”
3. When you need to wash these you can take them to the “launderette” ( or “laundromat” in the US).
4. After your shopping success perhaps you will visit an “arcade” on your way home.
5. Then you might go home, not to a “bed town” but to your home in the “commuter town”.
[そして帰るときは、自宅のあるベッドタウン(commuter town)へと向かうでしょう。]
☆ベッドタウンとは言わず“commuter town”と表現します。
6. After your busy day, you definitely deserve a “cup” OR “mug” of tea to relax.
7. So take note of these, perhaps you want to use a “mechanical pencil”.
[これらの注意すべき単語をメモしておいてくださいね。その際にはシャープペンシル(mechanical pencil)を使って。]
☆sharp pencilはとがった鉛筆のことを意味します。
Good luck in your English study!